#Love30 Yard Sign

Get a #Love30 yard sign in support of 30km/h streets in your neighbourhood. They’re available on a pay-what-you-can sliding scale ($0 and up, with suggested price $5-$10)*.


You can pick up, or get free delivery by a lovely volunteer.
Two pickup locations to choose from:
Bicycle Garden
267 Sherbrook
Wednesday-Saturday 12-6pm
MLA Malaya Marcelino — Notre Dame Constituency Office
849 Notre Dame Avenue
Phone: (204) 788-0800 * please call ahead to ensure someone will be in the office to meet you*
Monday to Friday, 9-5pm

PS. If you run a business/office that is open to the public and are willing to host a pickup location, let us know!
If you want to pay for a sign but don’t have access to a credit card, request a sign at $0. You’ll receive payment options in a confirmation email.

SKU: love30on30-649 Category: